My background in athletics has been a huge contributor to why I chose Exercise Science as my major. Exercise Science focuses on a persons overall health, movement, and wellness. All aspects of this degree is intriguing; being an athlete I am always finding ways to better improve my performance both in and out of the water. Learning about the body and the physiology behind the body makes me excited to spend countless hours studying! Upon coming to college was my first experience in an athletic training room; I have never received physical therapy of any sort. I immediately knew that sports medicine was something I wanted to pursue. Everything at about the relationships with the athletes, and the treatment they were providing to help them continue the sport they loved was ideal.
I chose to minor in Youth Physical Wellness Programming for several reasons. This particular minor isn’t offered everywhere; it addresses obesity and the lack of physical activity in children. I believe it is important to understand what it looks like to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I also think it’s just as important to understand what it looks like from the other side and what signs of unhealthy habits are in order to prevent them from progressing. I chose to focus on children because there is so much potential in the younger generation. I started teaching swim lessons four years ago and loved watching my kids grow as swimmers. It’s rewarding to see both the kids hard work, as well as your own, paying off in the pool. Combining the two things I value most both academically and personally would be extremely fulfilling and enjoyable. Not necessarily enjoyable because the job will be easy, but it is easier to do things that you are passionate about compared to something you aren’t. 

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